My Approach
You are a miracle…an amazing, one-of-a-kind ecosystem of 50+ trillion cells! All cells must live in harmony with one another, and with their surrounding environment, for balance to be maintained. The myriad of systems that underpin life are complex, ever-changing, and unique to every individual.
Modern life moves fast. With infinite information now at your fingertips, knowing whom to trust for guidance on your health is overwhelming. Despite all of the advances of science and medicine, and a phone in your pocket with instant access to endless advice, why is chronic disease more prevalent than ever?
Fortunately, a framework that simplifies creating and maintaining health and wellness exists. Balance Protocol is a systematic approach that addresses all aspects of diet, environment, lifestyle, and mindset that impact your health. Recognizing that you are a category of one, collecting data (not guessing) through cutting-edge functional medicine labs and lifestyle questionnaires, taking time to get to know YOU, and not chasing symptoms or “diseases”, this platform provides me and the team of clinicians with whom I work the ability to confidently help you take action to create balance within all systems. This balance builds health, optimizes performance, heads off future illness, and ultimately becomes a catalyst for you to discover who you are and what brings you happiness.
In a world of niches and specialists, we have lost the ability to take a step back and get a bird’s eye view of the whole person and the environment in which they exist. It takes time to collect the data needed to truly understand you, as well as a sound framework through which to process this information and take action. Our current healthcare model, where a doctor has an average of less than eight minutes to spend with each patient in a visit, can never provide this. I’m here to offer you an alternative.
It is imperative that we correct one’s foundation by first addressing the pillars of health. This is so commonly overlooked today. It requires that we look both inside and outside of you. We do this by taking advantage of some of the most scientifically advanced diagnostics and therapeutics available, combined with ancient healing principles that have stood the test of time.
Together, we’ll ask and answer questions such as these: How is your unique body best nourished at this particular point in time? What are the strategies to create balance within all of your interconnected systems? When is the process of detoxification appropriate and safe? What needs to be removed and what needs to be added to your life to bring about the transformation and resulting health and wellness you are seeking? Upon this, we build…
Join me on this journey to health, wellness, and happiness. I’m living it, and want to share it with you. Learn who you are, and how you and your environment are totally interconnected. Empower yourself with the knowledge to create, maintain, and share health for the rest of your life.

You are a miracle…an amazing, one-of-a-kind ecosystem of 50+ trillion cells! All cells must live in harmony with one another, and with their surrounding environment, for balance to be maintained. The myriad of systems that underpin life are complex, ever-changing, and unique to every individual.
Modern life moves fast. With infinite information now at your fingertips, knowing whom to trust for guidance on your health is overwhelming. Despite all of the advances of science and medicine, and a phone in your pocket with instant access to endless advice, why is chronic disease more prevalent than ever?
Fortunately, a framework that simplifies creating and maintaining health and wellness exists. Balance Protocol is a systematic approach that addresses all aspects of diet, environment, lifestyle, and mindset that impact your health. Recognizing that you are a category of one, collecting data (not guessing) through cutting-edge functional medicine labs and lifestyle questionnaires, taking time to get to know YOU, and not chasing symptoms or “diseases”, this platform provides me and the team of clinicians with whom I work the ability to confidently help you take action to create balance within all systems. This balance builds health, optimizes performance, heads off future illness, and ultimately becomes a catalyst for you to discover who you are and what brings you happiness.
In a world of niches and specialists, we have lost the ability to take a step back and get a bird’s eye view of the whole person and the environment in which they exist. It takes time to collect the data needed to truly understand you, as well as a sound framework through which to process this information and take action. Our current healthcare model, where a doctor has an average of less than eight minutes to spend with each patient in a visit, can never provide this. I’m here to offer you an alternative.
It is imperative that we correct one’s foundation by first addressing the pillars of health. This is so commonly overlooked today. It requires that we look both inside and outside of you. We do this by taking advantage of some of the most scientifically advanced diagnostics and therapeutics available, combined with ancient healing principles that have stood the test of time.
Together, we’ll ask and answer questions such as these: How is your unique body best nourished at this particular point in time? What are the strategies to create balance within all of your interconnected systems? When is the process of detoxification appropriate and safe? What needs to be removed and what needs to be added to your life to bring about the transformation and resulting health and wellness you are seeking? Upon this, we build…
Join me on this journey to health, wellness, and happiness. I’m living it, and want to share it with you. Learn who you are, and how you and your environment are totally interconnected. Empower yourself with the knowledge to create, maintain, and share health for the rest of your life.

I am here to share the knowledge that has helped me and many others find balance and purpose. Join me on the journey to the health, wellness, and happiness that you seek. Apply now to learn more.